Every year like clockwork the Snow Geese arrive on the soccer field beside where I live and take over the neighborhood. Richmond, BC is a vital sanctuary for these birds. …

Making nature an adventure
Every year like clockwork the Snow Geese arrive on the soccer field beside where I live and take over the neighborhood. Richmond, BC is a vital sanctuary for these birds. …
I spotted these two Sandhill Cranes on Westham Island. I have never seen them before. They were quite big and were striking to see. According to allaboutbirds.org, the earliest Sandhill …
When I was driving around Lader, I stopped to take a shot of a couple of eagles I came across. I was so happy to spot so many eagles this …
This week I am reviewing “Foodie Boris” by Boris. Direct Link: http://vanfoodieboris.com/ Content and Design Upon first glance at the website, you get a clear sense that you are on a …
Westham Island, Delta, B.C. Along my travels this week, I was pleasantly surprised to witness my first flowers of the year! I found these beauties on Westham Island in Delta, …
Richmond Nature Park, Richmond, B.C. This week I found myself visiting the Richmond Nature Park in Richmond, B.C. I really love it here. Even though it was a rainy, grey …
For week five’s mini assignment, we were asked to create a story using media only. I made a video with some footage I took of some wildlife at the Richmond …
Boozhoo/Hello my name is Autumn Peltier, I am the guest host this week for Little Feather Adventures. I am honoured to be here today as Shannon’s choice of her personal …
Minoru Park, Richmond, B.C. One of the reasons I love living in Richmond so much is my discovery of how many bunnies are everywhere! There are tonnes of rabbits just …
I created this meme using Adobe Express. It’s a user-friendly site, I just wish there were more options. The reason I made this meme was to capture my humour. I …